Friday, November 6, 2015

Sound Waves

This week we have been learning a lot about sound waves and their properties. There are many resources on the Internet about sound waves including simulations and tutorials, games, websites, and videos. Here are a few:

This an interactive where students can hear the change in pitch and volume as they adjust the frequency and amplitude. Also includes some other concepts that we didn't study in class that the students may find interesting.


Click to Run

This is another interactive that students may enjoy.

A great website with lots of links to many activities can be found here. One of links is to a website with the definitions of parts of a wave. Students can make adjustments on the actual wave. Check it out by clicking here.

Here are two short videos on what a longitudinal wave looks like and what a transverse wave looks like.

Here is a video on the difference between longitudinal waves and transverse waves. The video contains more of the higher level math and formulas related to waves, but the beginning does a nice job of showing the difference between the two types of waves.


  1. this year is the beast I like all the teachers I am ready to take the test we are having it on sound waves so I hope i get a 3 or higher have a good day teachers see you tomorrow good night

  2. the games are cool! Tristan C.


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