Monday, November 4, 2013

Writing a Bibliography

Anytime a research paper is written a bibliography or works cited page should be included. This page should be the last page, should be titled either Bibliography or Works Cited and should include all the resources that were used to create the research paper in alphabetical order.

The easiest way to create a bibliography is to follow an example. A quick Google search on creating a bibliography using MLA style will provide many examples of how a bibliography is created. The students also received a packet of information on how to cite sources and how to create a bibliography. A copy of that document can be found here: MLA Document Sources

Another way to complete the bibliography is to find an online bibliography creator. One example is Another example is These websites allow a person to put in the information in blanks and then the website will complete the entry. Please note that these entries will then need to be copied and pasted into a word document once they are created since they only create one at a time.

Here is a copy of the rubric for the research paper that the students received last week Science Fair Research Report Rubric

1 comment:

  1. I did everything I was supposed to do! Tristan C.


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