Friday, February 7, 2014

How Small is an Atom?

Check out this video on how small an atom is and comment on what you found interesting. It may be helpful to watch the video a couple of times.


  1. That was very interesting and it blew my mind.

  2. That is crazy that something so small can have even smaller parts protons, neutrons, and electrons. Grace J

  3. Wow I did not see that coming wow you know what he talks so fast and I understood almost everything he said. I learned that the nucleus is really really tiny-Jessica Sloyan

  4. It was interesting that to see the nucleus you would have to have a blueberry as big as a football stadium. THAT IS CRAZY HUGE!!!!!- Annie Sloyan

  5. wow cool I liked the comparison between the blueberries and the atoms to the size of the earth If you blow the atoms up to size of a blueberry # the atoms in a grapefruit - Brendan G.

  6. I learned the nucleas is really really small, so small that of you got a blueberry made it grow to the size of a football field, the nucleas would be the size of a marbel.

  7. i really dont get it. do scientists even know how many atoms are in a grapefruit? i just dont get it.
    -isabelle bolding

  8. I think that it is so cool that if you blew up an atom the size of a football stadium, the nucleus is only the size of a marble!
    -Samantha B.

  9. the nucleus is very small when blown up to the size of a football field
    Michael r.

  10. wow! i never knew that there were so many atoms inside of a grapefruit ! i like how they compare the atoms to the blueberries and how they show that the amount of atoms in a grapefruit is the same amount of blueberries to cover the world !
    ~maggie woods(:

  11. wow! I never knew atoms were so small! that blueberry was HUGE!!!!! - Madison Hargett :)

  12. so 1 nucleus = 6200000000 cars!!!!!! Tristan C.

  13. i had to watch this video 2 times to actually understand it :P Elle R.

  14. wow never know there was tat much Adams in a grapefruit Ryan c

  15. wow! i didn't know that atoms were THAT small!!! i didn't know that their were different kind of atoms either!!- Viktoria S

  16. the fact that to actually see the nucleus you have to blow up the blueberry to the size of a football stadium is mind blowing! even then having the blueberry that size you can just see the nucleus as the size of a small marble. that is awesome!

    -Jody F

  17. That 6.2billion cars is the density of a nucleus. Carter Schenck

  18. I didn't know that so many atoms where in a very small grapefruit and that you could blow them up and they would be the size of the earth

  19. I can't believe that atoms are so small and that blueberry was so big. Jacob Beard

  20. Its amazing the something so small has so many parts like protons. ~Taylor Hawkins

  21. It's real funny and there is a lot of blueberry's in a grapefruit. Nicholas Kuebler

  22. that is very cool I love the part about the grapefruit blueberries and football stadium. this is a wonderful way to grasp atoms :P
    -Kingsley :P

  23. Well I think this is interesting when he said that if you blew the blueberry into a football stadium the atom would be as small as a marble.
    -Esther J.

  24. THATS CRAZY my brain hurt after watching that it blew my mind 😱😱😱😱

  25. THATS CRAZY my brain hurt after watching it it blew my mind ALOT 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

  26. wow I did not know how small atoms were. I cant look at a blueberry, or stadium the same way anymore. if I will be in a stadium I cant help but think that I am about to be smashed by great big blueberry

    Ashleigh a

  27. yea, I didn't know they were that small, thats crazy! Lindsay.D

  28. I think it's cool how he compared the atoms in the grapefruit to
    blueberries in the earth. Emerson

  29. oh no its cloudy with a chance of BLUE BERRIES!!!!! haha atoms are really tiny and the nucleus is even smaller... the comparisons were a bit confusing though. luke s.

  30. wow! I never knew that there was so many atoms in a grapefruit!
    ~tamarin. g

  31. I knew that a nucleus and an atom was really small but wow with out are science today we would never even know about atoms I cant wait to learn about this in this unit! - craig.s

  32. This was so mind blowing! I can't believe a atom is that small! Demya C.

  33. Wow! I never knew that an atom is so small, and that that the nucleus is so tiny.
    - Rebecca G.

  34. I cant believe that adams are made up of protons,neutrons,and electrons. Why do adams have to be that small that is so crazy!!!!!!!! - Caroline Howard

  35. i ment antom but it audio corrected it - Caroline Howard

  36. I would have never know that a adam was That small and that the nucleus density was about 6.2 billion cars.
    - Noah thefaine


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