Saturday, September 14, 2013

Additions to the Blog

The Homework / Quiz page has been updated to include important events that are coming in the future. The page has been updated for this coming week from September 16th - 20th.

A "Follow by Email" link has been added to the blog. By adding your email, you will be notified when there is a new post or updates. This will make it easier to know when to check the blog for information.


  1. YAY I FINALLY FOUND THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am soo Happy!!!
    ~Viktoria Skalski

  2. I can't wait to start the hands on science project.
    Maddie M

  3. Hey Mr.Adam..
    Great skit today about the Kings and the Constitution.......LOL!!!!!!!!....=D
    When does the Science fair start???????
    ~Viktoria S.

  4. I have no clue what I am going to do for the science fair Mr.Adam??????????


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