Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In Remembrance of 9/11

I imagine many posts today mention or are dedicated to this day in our history. A day when we can reflect on some of our true heroes, our military, our fire fighters, our police, our first responders, and countless citizens who looked out for each other.

This 9/11 interactive timeline is a memorial of 9/11 that includes videos, pictures, and audio recordings. I shared it briefly in class today.

This week I encourage you to thank someone in service for our city, state, or country. You may do this with a simple thank you or even write a letter.

Thank you to all who serve.


  1. in memorial of 911 I pray and support the troops and those brave amazing people who died for are freedom I am so grateful BRIANNA O

  2. awe that made me cry :'( soooooo much thank you to all who serve MR.RUTHAFORD AND MRS.ALLEN thankyou for your service

  3. Really sad, including the phone message with the man saying goodbye. Tristan C.


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