Monday, September 9, 2013

More Than Just a Blog . . .

Quick blog on a feature I have added to the blog. I have added a new page. A page is basically a website page that provides information. The page that I have added is "Upcoming Homework/Tests". This page will hopefully contain upcoming test and homework information. I hope to keep it current throughout the year, but the student's agenda still should remain as the best place to find upcoming tests and homework. This does not replace students writing in their agendas on a daily basis and bringing those agendas home.

The page links are near the top of the blog. I plan on adding more pages as different needs come up, including pages with the class syllabus, common study skills, and possibly a science fair page. When checking the blog, a quick check of the pages will help everyone keep current with where our class is headed.


  1. Can't wait to see you all tomorrow l hope I get a good score on my test with all that studying of maps political,physical,topographical ,and special purpose/thematic map. Can't wait! - Abbie S.

  2. that is way way way way way alot helpful thank you Mr.Adam!

  3. thank you so much mr adam!! this will definitely help me and hopefully a lot of others. im studying hard for the test and i nearly know the definitions like the back of my hand! Jody F

  4. I cant wait to get all this information in my head on a piece of paper!Good luck to everyone on the test !!!!!!!!!!!:)

  5. thank you!!! that will help so much!!! Taylor G.

  6. thanks Mr.Adam that is really helpful Sam E.

  7. That was very helpfull and hope i get a good grade on the test!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):) -Caroline Howard

  8. It is helpful to see your up coming HW. Tristan C.

  9. I have learned so much!!!!!! Tristan C.


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